Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Well, it's that time of year when we take a look at our lives and realize how blest we are. Even during the hard times, we have so many blessings!!! These past 7 years of my life have been a work in progress, but knowing how blest I am to live in America, have the will to suceed and the blessing of my family makes my life pretty good!!

I don't live in a huge house (who would want to clean it!). I don't have a fancy car ( don't need something with low gas mileage!). I don't have lots diamonds and eat 8 course meals everyday (which is okay to me too...I don't like most fancy meal foods and diamonds are not my best friend).

I am blessed. I have a roof over my head and a vehicle to get to work in. I am blessed by having a wonderfully supportive husband who believes in me. I am blessed because I have 2 great kids who I am very proud of. I am blessed because with the love, support and prayers of friends, we have gotten our debt down to almost nothing (Our goal is debt free in Summer 2009). I am blessed to be surrounded by animals that I love and spoil. I am blessed because I have a great job and work with awesome people. I am blessed because GOD himself has had a hand in my life becoming what it is. I came from a bad marriage with no future and lots of fear, I have come into a wonderful marriage ( 7 years this January) with a great future and lots of years to look forward too.

The economy is bad, but I am not afraid. I am already frugal. I already know that in order to make my life more fufilled and happy, I need to want less and be thankful more for what I have.

I hope everyone is blessed in their own way this Thanksgiving.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on dd's wedding photos.

I do indeed remember your username. I think we may have first met on Frugal Moms then moved onto Frugal Families.

Great to "see" old friends.


Frugalmommie as been on WITI FoxNews6 Television Milwaukee, WTMJ620 Radio, Several local newspapers, The Wisconsin State Journal, and is in a feature article in All You Magazine in the April 2009 edition.