Saturday, March 28, 2009

Counterfeit Coupons??

I have had an email about Counterfeit Coupons. I will tell you that MOST coupons are not counterfeit. Yes, they are out there. If you are concerned about accidentally using a counterfeit coupon, here are things you should know.

1. If you print a coupon from an IP source, don't COPY it. Each one of those IP coupons has it's own code, so if you copy it, you will have the same code on the coupons and the coupon will be rejected. Make sure your IP coupon has the pin code/ or ID code on it and the UPC.

2. Don't buy coupons. Typically if you buy a coupon with a high value on an auction site, there is a chance that it's counterfeit. It's just better to stay away from those. Also, don't pay for coupons you can get for free, most coupons you can get if you contact the manufacturer.

3. Go to this site they have a list of counterfeit coupons. If you think you have one, look at this list or check out the many coupon websites.

4. If you come across a coupon and it's in a PDF file, Be very diligent. PDF Files are typically NOT used by manufacturers because it can be altered easily. I try to avoid PDF file coupons.

5. Be honest, let's keep couponing legit. It saves us money and those who get to greedy will ruin it for those who just want to save money. Many of these counterfeit coupons are not redeemed by the actual person who faked the coupons, they give them away to unsuspecting shoppers. Please remember if it's too good to be true, then it probably is.

I hope this answers your email. If not, PM me back. Most coupons aren't counterfeit, there are deals out there.

Stay Frugal!! Stay Honest! Enjoy finding those bargins!

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Frugalmommie as been on WITI FoxNews6 Television Milwaukee, WTMJ620 Radio, Several local newspapers, The Wisconsin State Journal, and is in a feature article in All You Magazine in the April 2009 edition.